The world needs more people to live by their life-nourishing purpose

I help individuals and couples discover their purpose and transform their lives to align with their life nourishing roles

Nourishing life, first and foremost, is about discovering and pursuing our reason for being. It is through the discovery of and alignment with our true purpose that we experience the greatest flows and joys in life.

The joy that arises from gaining clarity of what is most meaningful helps us fearlessly engage in life nourishing work and relationships. This effects the way we see, direct and manage our resources fundamentally. Our contribution to and experience of life is transformed.

How can you craft a life that is true to your values and intentions?

How can you close the gap from where you are now and where you want to be?

And how can I be useful to you in this process?

In my facilitation work I take you through:

  • Stating the truth about where you are and where you need to be
  • Voicing who you are and who you want to become in light of where you need to be
  • Creating your compass and roadmap to move forward
  • Discovering the right skills, tools and strategies that will equip you for the journey
  • Shifting to thinking-doing-feeling cycle for accelerated progress and results
  • Adapting the habits that will consistently keep you on top of your game